Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2026, Astrology Calendar
Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2026-2031
(UT/GMT) Time |
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Date and time of Greatest Eclipse | Eclipse | Moon Sign Degree(1st return after eclipse) | Saros Serie |
Duration | Chart |
Impact Chart |
Tue | Feb 17, 2026 at 12:13 |
Annular Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
28°56’ Mar 1, All returns | 121 |
02m 20s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Tue | Mar 3, 2026 at 11:34 |
Total Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
12°51’ Jul 21, All returns | 133 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | Aug 12, 2026 at 17:47 |
Total Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
20°08’ Aug 20, All returns | 126 |
02m 18s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Fri | Aug 28, 2026 at 04:14 |
Partial Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
4°51’ Feb 6, All returns | 138 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sat | Feb 6, 2027 at 16:00 |
Annular Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
17°39’ Mar 16, All returns | 131 |
07m 51s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sat | Feb 20, 2027 at 23:14 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
1°59’ May 19, All returns | 143 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sun | Jul 18, 2027 at 16:04 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
25°58’ Dec 16, All returns | 110 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Mon | Aug 2, 2027 at 10:07 |
Total Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
9°56’ Aug 4, All returns | 136 |
06m 23s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Tue | Aug 17, 2027 at 07:14 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
24°04’ Jan 8, All returns | 148 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | Jan 12, 2028 at 04:14 |
Partial Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
21°34’ Jul 20, All returns | 115 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | Jan 26, 2028 at 15:08 |
Annular Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
6°08’ Feb 8, All returns | 141 |
10m 27s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Thu | Jul 6, 2028 at 18:20 |
Partial Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
15°15’ Dec 20, All returns | 120 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sat | Jul 22, 2028 at 02:56 |
Total Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
29°47’ Jul 23, All returns | 146 |
05m 10s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sun | Dec 31, 2028 at 16:53 |
Total Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
10°35’ Jun 10, All returns | 125 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sun | Jan 14, 2029 at 17:13 |
Partial Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
24°44’ Jan 17, All returns | 151 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Tue | Jun 12, 2029 at 04:06 |
Partial Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
21°37’ Jun 27, All returns | 118 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Tue | Jun 26, 2029 at 03:23 |
Total Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
4°50’ Nov 10, All returns | 130 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | Jul 11, 2029 at 15:37 |
Partial Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
19°30’ Jul 2, All returns | 156 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | Dec 5, 2029 at 15:03 |
Partial Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
13°52’ Nov 16, All returns | 123 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Thu | Dec 20, 2029 at 22:43 |
Total Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
29°18’ Jun 22, All returns | 135 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sat | Jun 1, 2030 at 06:29 |
Annular Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
10°53’ Jun 3, All returns | 128 |
05m 21s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Sat | Jun 15, 2030 at 18:34 |
Partial Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
24°38’ Nov 25, All returns | 140 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Mon | Nov 25, 2030 at 06:51 |
Total Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
3°04’ Aug 30, All returns | 133 |
03m 44s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Mon | Dec 9, 2030 at 22:28 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
17°47’ Apr 26, All returns | 145 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | May 7, 2031 at 03:52 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
16°32’ Jul 30, All returns | 112 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Wed | May 21, 2031 at 07:16 |
Annular Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
0°03’ May 31, All returns | 138 |
05m 26s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Thu | Jun 5, 2031 at 11:45 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
14°30’ Sep 17, All returns | 150 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Thu | Oct 30, 2031 at 07:46 |
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon) |
6°47’ Mar 27, All returns | 117 |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Fri | Nov 14, 2031 at 21:07 |
Hybrid Solar Eclipse(New Moon) |
22°16’ Dec 23, All returns | 143 |
01m 08s |
eclipse chart |
impact chart |
Decades: 10-Year Tables of Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Solar Eclipses: 10-Year Tables:
1500-1509 |
1510-1519 |
1520-1529 |
1530-1539 |
1540-1549 |
1550-1559 |
1560-1569 |
1570-1579 |
1580-1589 |
1590-1599 |
1600-1609 |
1610-1619 |
1620-1629 |
1630-1639 |
1640-1649 |
1650-1659 |
1660-1669 |
1670-1679 |
1680-1689 |
1690-1699 |
1700-1709 |
1710-1719 |
1720-1729 |
1730-1739 |
1740-1749 |
1750-1759 |
1760-1769 |
1770-1779 |
1780-1789 |
1790-1799 |
1800-1809 |
1810-1819 |
1820-1829 |
1830-1839 |
1840-1849 |
1850-1859 |
1860-1869 |
1870-1879 |
1880-1889 |
1890-1899 |
1900-1909 |
1910-1919 |
1920-1929 |
1930-1939 |
1940-1949 |
1950-1959 |
1960-1969 |
1970-1979 |
1980-1989 |
1990-1999 |
2000-2009 |
2010-2019 |
2020-2029 |
2030-2039 |
2040-2049 |
2050-2059 |
2060-2069 |
2070-2079 |
2080-2089 |
2090-2099 |
2100-2109 |
2110-2119 |
2120-2129 |
2130-2139 |
2140-2149 |
2150-2159 |
2160-2169 |
2170-2179 |
2180-2189 |
2190-2199 |
2200-2209 |
2210-2219 |
2220-2229 |
2230-2239 |
2240-2249 |
2250-2259 |
2260-2269 |
2270-2279 |
2280-2289 |
2290-2299 |
2300-2309 |
2310-2319 |
2320-2329 |
2330-2339 |
2340-2349 |
2350-2359 |
2360-2369 |
2370-2379 |
2380-2389 |
2390-2399 |
2400-2409 |
2410-2419 |
2420-2429 |
2430-2439 |
2440-2449 |
2450-2459 |
2460-2469 |
2470-2479 |
2480-2489 |
2490-2499 |
Lunar Eclipses: 10-Year Tables:
1500-1509 |
1510-1519 |
1520-1529 |
1530-1539 |
1540-1549 |
1550-1559 |
1560-1569 |
1570-1579 |
1580-1589 |
1590-1599 |
1600-1609 |
1610-1619 |
1620-1629 |
1630-1639 |
1640-1649 |
1650-1659 |
1660-1669 |
1670-1679 |
1680-1689 |
1690-1699 |
1700-1709 |
1710-1719 |
1720-1729 |
1730-1739 |
1740-1749 |
1750-1759 |
1760-1769 |
1770-1779 |
1780-1789 |
1790-1799 |
1800-1809 |
1810-1819 |
1820-1829 |
1830-1839 |
1840-1849 |
1850-1859 |
1860-1869 |
1870-1879 |
1880-1889 |
1890-1899 |
1900-1909 |
1910-1919 |
1920-1929 |
1930-1939 |
1940-1949 |
1950-1959 |
1960-1969 |
1970-1979 |
1980-1989 |
1990-1999 |
2000-2009 |
2010-2019 |
2020-2029 |
2030-2039 |
2040-2049 |
2050-2059 |
2060-2069 |
2070-2079 |
2080-2089 |
2090-2099 |
2100-2109 |
2110-2119 |
2120-2129 |
2130-2139 |
2140-2149 |
2150-2159 |
2160-2169 |
2170-2179 |
2180-2189 |
2190-2199 |
2200-2209 |
2210-2219 |
2220-2229 |
2230-2239 |
2240-2249 |
2250-2259 |
2260-2269 |
2270-2279 |
2280-2289 |
2290-2299 |
2300-2309 |
2310-2319 |
2320-2329 |
2330-2339 |
2340-2349 |
2350-2359 |
2360-2369 |
2370-2379 |
2380-2389 |
2390-2399 |
2400-2409 |
2410-2419 |
2420-2429 |
2430-2439 |
2440-2449 |
2450-2459 |
2460-2469 |
2470-2479 |
2480-2489 |
2490-2499 |
Moon Sign of Eclipses
Saros Cycles
The periodicity and recurrence of solar and lunar eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle.
Saros cycle is a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The two eclipses occur at the same Lunar Node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Solar Eclipses - Saros cycles:
Saros cycle is a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The two eclipses occur at the same Lunar Node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Solar Eclipses - Saros cycles:
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
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112 |
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Lunar Eclipses - Saros cycles:
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
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Eclipse data source:
© 2024
Sun |
Moon |
Dominant Planet |
Name Numerology |
Life Path |
Composite |
Venus Cycle |
Sidereal Vedic Chart |
Nakshatra Calculator |
Solar Return | Rectification | Full Moon December, January | Astro Calendar | Ephemeris | Name Calculator | Weather Forecasting | Horary Chart |
Midpoint Calculator | House Systems | Solar Arc | Zodiac Signs Dates | Electional | Gardening | Sabian Symbols | Big Three | Tarot Astrology |
Mercury Retrograde | VOC Moon | Planetary Overview | Interpretations | Natal | Synastry | Transit | Fixed Stars | Julian to Gregorian |
Sinastria | Astrologia | Mapa Astral | Horóscopos gratuitos | Horoskop Berechnen |
Solar Return | Rectification | Full Moon December, January | Astro Calendar | Ephemeris | Name Calculator | Weather Forecasting | Horary Chart |
Midpoint Calculator | House Systems | Solar Arc | Zodiac Signs Dates | Electional | Gardening | Sabian Symbols | Big Three | Tarot Astrology |
Mercury Retrograde | VOC Moon | Planetary Overview | Interpretations | Natal | Synastry | Transit | Fixed Stars | Julian to Gregorian |
Sinastria | Astrologia | Mapa Astral | Horóscopos gratuitos | Horoskop Berechnen |