Ibn Arabi Cosmology - Mar 2025
Ibn Arabi Moon Mansion Contemplation

Friday - 14th March 2025 - Lunar calendar, Moon Phases

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Ibn Arabi Cosmology, Ibn Arabi Moon Mansion Contemplation Calendar
Qualities attributed to Moon Mansions by Ibn Arabi,
in Chapter 198 of his 'Futuhat al Makkiyya' (Meccan revelations)
Collated from relevant sources by Latifa Shahab Laker
Mansion StartTime
Divine Name
(Star Group)
Meaning of Divine Name
Sat 09:52
Mar 1
1 - BadiPlay Voice
The Initiating
First Intellect. The Pen
ARI 00°00’ - ARI 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 06:42
Mar 2
2 - BaithPlay Voice
He who raises up. The sender
Protected Tablet. Universal Soul
ARI 12°51’ - ARI 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 03:37
Mar 3
3 - BatinPlay Voice
The invisible, the inward nature
Universal Nature
ARI 25°42’ - TAU 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 00:42
Mar 4
4 - AkirPlay Voice
The Last
Universal substance. Prima materia
TAU 08°34’ - TAU 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 22:03
Mar 4
5 - ZahirPlay Voice
The visible the outward.
Universal body, The manifest. single substance from which all bodies formed, corporeal and imaginal.
TAU 21°25’ - GEM 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 19:46
Mar 5
6 - HakimPlay Voice
The Apportioner. Discriminating Wisdom
The power of shape, form.
GEM 04°17’ - GEM 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 17:54
Mar 6
7 - Muhit
The all encompassing. Reflects the kindness and mercy over and around everything.
The Throne. The all encompassing. Mercy.
GEM 17°08’ - CAN 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 16:29
Mar 7
8 - ShakurPlay Voice
The Grateful
The footstool. First imaginal thing where God put down his two feet.
CAN 00°00’ - CAN 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 15:32
Mar 8
9 - GahaniyyPlay Voice
The Independent, the rich
Black satin sphere. Ultimate starless sphere. Zodiacal towers.
CAN 12°51’ - CAN 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 15:03
Mar 9
10 - MuqtadirPlay Voice
The Powerful. The one who puts your feet on the appropriate path to fulfil your purpose.
Sphere of fixed stars, within which are 28 lunar mansions.
CAN 25°42’ - LEO 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 15:01
Mar 10
11 - Rab
The Lord
The first heaven. Sphere of Saturn. Prophet Abraham
LEO 08°34’ - LEO 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 15:26
Mar 11
12 - AlimPlay Voice
The All-Knowing
The second heaven. Sphere of Jupiter, Prophet Moses
LEO 21°25’ - VIR 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 16:15
Mar 12
13 - QahharPlay Voice
The forcer, the subjugating, The victorious
The third heaven. Sphere of Mars, prophet Aaron
VIR 04°17’ - VIR 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 17:27
Mar 13
14 - NurPlay Voice
The Light
The fourth heaven. Sphere of the Sun, prophet Idris (Enoch)
VIR 17°08’ - LIB 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 18:59
Mar 14
15 - MusawwirPlay Voice
The form giver, the image
The fifth heaven. Sphere of Venus, prophet Joseph
LIB 00°00’ - LIB 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 20:48
Mar 15
16 - MuhsiPlay Voice
The Enumerator
The sixth heaven. Sphere of Mercury, prophet Jesus
LIB 12°51’ - LIB 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 22:49
Mar 16
17 - Mubine
The Clarifier, the evident
The nearest heaven. Sphere of The Moon, prophet Adam
LIB 25°42’ - SCO 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 00:55
Mar 18
18 - QabidPlay Voice
The seizer, the gripper. the restricting
Element Fire (and Ether)
SCO 08°34’ - SCO 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 03:00
Mar 19
19 - HayyPlay Voice
The Living
Element Air
SCO 21°25’ - SAG 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 04:53
Mar 20
20 - MuhyiPlay Voice
Life Giver
Element Water
SAG 04°17’ - SAG 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 06:26
Mar 21
21 - MumitPlay Voice
Death giver
Element Earth
SAG 17°08’ - CAP 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 07:29
Mar 22
22 - AzizPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Dhabih
The Precious, the Inaccessible
Minerals and metals, exalted primary crystal order
CAP 00°00’ - CAP 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 07:55
Mar 23
23 - RazzaqPlay Voice
Sa'd Bula
The Nourisher, The sustainer
Plant kingdom
CAP 12°51’ - CAP 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 07:40
Mar 24
24 - MudhillPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Su'ud
The Humbler, The Lowering one
Animal kingdom
CAP 25°42’ - AQU 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 06:41
Mar 25
25 - QawiyyPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Akhbiyah
Inner strength. Strength that comes from emptiness of self.The powerful
The Angels
AQU 08°34’ - AQU 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 05:00
Mar 26
26 - LatifPlay Voice
Al Fargh al-Awwal
The Subtle. The Graciously attenuating
The Jinn
AQU 21°25’ - PIS 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 02:42
Mar 27
27 - JamiPlay Voice
Al Fargh al-Thani
The Gatherer together. Inner union of, elemental quadrature, and opposites
PIS 04°17’ - PIS 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 23:51
Mar 27
28 - Rafi Al DarajaatPlay Voice
Batn al-Hut
The Elevating of degrees. To move through every single healing process to freedom.
The Complete human being
PIS 17°08’ - ARI 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
2nd Lunar cycle in March 2025:
Ibn Arabi Cosmology, Ibn Arabi Moon Mansion Contemplation Calendar
Qualities attributed to Moon Mansions by Ibn Arabi,
in Chapter 198 of his 'Futuhat al Makkiyya' (Meccan revelations)
Collated from relevant sources by Latifa Shahab Laker
Mansion StartTime
Divine Name
(Star Group)
Meaning of Divine Name
Fri 20:36
Mar 28
1 - BadiPlay Voice
The Initiating
First Intellect. The Pen
ARI 00°00’ - ARI 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 17:06
Mar 29
2 - BaithPlay Voice
He who raises up. The sender
Protected Tablet. Universal Soul
ARI 12°51’ - ARI 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 13:28
Mar 30
3 - BatinPlay Voice
The invisible, the inward nature
Universal Nature
ARI 25°42’ - TAU 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 09:54
Mar 31
4 - AkirPlay Voice
The Last
Universal substance. Prima materia
TAU 08°34’ - TAU 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 06:31
Apr 1
5 - ZahirPlay Voice
The visible the outward.
Universal body, The manifest. single substance from which all bodies formed, corporeal and imaginal.
TAU 21°25’ - GEM 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 03:28
Apr 2
6 - HakimPlay Voice
The Apportioner. Discriminating Wisdom
The power of shape, form.
GEM 04°17’ - GEM 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 00:52
Apr 3
7 - Muhit
The all encompassing. Reflects the kindness and mercy over and around everything.
The Throne. The all encompassing. Mercy.
GEM 17°08’ - CAN 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 22:50
Apr 3
8 - ShakurPlay Voice
The Grateful
The footstool. First imaginal thing where God put down his two feet.
CAN 00°00’ - CAN 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 21:26
Apr 4
9 - GahaniyyPlay Voice
The Independent, the rich
Black satin sphere. Ultimate starless sphere. Zodiacal towers.
CAN 12°51’ - CAN 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 20:41
Apr 5
10 - MuqtadirPlay Voice
The Powerful. The one who puts your feet on the appropriate path to fulfil your purpose.
Sphere of fixed stars, within which are 28 lunar mansions.
CAN 25°42’ - LEO 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 20:34
Apr 6
11 - Rab
The Lord
The first heaven. Sphere of Saturn. Prophet Abraham
LEO 08°34’ - LEO 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 21:03
Apr 7
12 - AlimPlay Voice
The All-Knowing
The second heaven. Sphere of Jupiter, Prophet Moses
LEO 21°25’ - VIR 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 22:03
Apr 8
13 - QahharPlay Voice
The forcer, the subjugating, The victorious
The third heaven. Sphere of Mars, prophet Aaron
VIR 04°17’ - VIR 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 23:28
Apr 9
14 - NurPlay Voice
The Light
The fourth heaven. Sphere of the Sun, prophet Idris (Enoch)
VIR 17°08’ - LIB 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 01:12
Apr 11
15 - MusawwirPlay Voice
The form giver, the image
The fifth heaven. Sphere of Venus, prophet Joseph
LIB 00°00’ - LIB 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 03:09
Apr 12
16 - MuhsiPlay Voice
The Enumerator
The sixth heaven. Sphere of Mercury, prophet Jesus
LIB 12°51’ - LIB 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 05:12
Apr 13
17 - Mubine
The Clarifier, the evident
The nearest heaven. Sphere of The Moon, prophet Adam
LIB 25°42’ - SCO 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 07:18
Apr 14
18 - QabidPlay Voice
The seizer, the gripper. the restricting
Element Fire (and Ether)
SCO 08°34’ - SCO 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 09:20
Apr 15
19 - HayyPlay Voice
The Living
Element Air
SCO 21°25’ - SAG 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 11:14
Apr 16
20 - MuhyiPlay Voice
Life Giver
Element Water
SAG 04°17’ - SAG 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 12:54
Apr 17
21 - MumitPlay Voice
Death giver
Element Earth
SAG 17°08’ - CAP 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Fri 14:12
Apr 18
22 - AzizPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Dhabih
The Precious, the Inaccessible
Minerals and metals, exalted primary crystal order
CAP 00°00’ - CAP 12°51’ birth chart
divine chart
Sat 15:04
Apr 19
23 - RazzaqPlay Voice
Sa'd Bula
The Nourisher, The sustainer
Plant kingdom
CAP 12°51’ - CAP 25°42’ birth chart
divine chart
Sun 15:24
Apr 20
24 - MudhillPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Su'ud
The Humbler, The Lowering one
Animal kingdom
CAP 25°42’ - AQU 08°34’ birth chart
divine chart
Mon 15:06
Apr 21
25 - QawiyyPlay Voice
Sa'd al-Akhbiyah
Inner strength. Strength that comes from emptiness of self.The powerful
The Angels
AQU 08°34’ - AQU 21°25’ birth chart
divine chart
Tue 14:08
Apr 22
26 - LatifPlay Voice
Al Fargh al-Awwal
The Subtle. The Graciously attenuating
The Jinn
AQU 21°25’ - PIS 04°17’ birth chart
divine chart
Wed 12:30
Apr 23
27 - JamiPlay Voice
Al Fargh al-Thani
The Gatherer together. Inner union of, elemental quadrature, and opposites
PIS 04°17’ - PIS 17°08’ birth chart
divine chart
Thu 10:14
Apr 24
28 - Rafi Al DarajaatPlay Voice
Batn al-Hut
The Elevating of degrees. To move through every single healing process to freedom.
The Complete human being
PIS 17°08’ - ARI 00°00’ birth chart
divine chart
Monthly Moon Phases, Aspects, Mansions - Circular Graphic Calendars
Luna - Moon Search Engine
The exact times of Lunar phases and Moon aspects are available in this standalone search tool:
Luna - Moon Search Engine
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Annual Moon Phase Calendar - Online Graphic Generator
Arabic Moon Mansions 1900-2035
1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | 2035 |