Home > Free Horoscopes > Moon Phase Calendar > September 28, 1920

Moon Phase Calendar
Tuesday - 28th September 1920 - Moon Phase

Tuesday - 28th September 1920 - Lunar calendar, Moon Phases

Waning Gibbous Moon
Date Moon Phase
(Lunar Phase)
Moon Sign Chart
September 28, 1920
Waning Gibbous AriesAries 10°15’ (chart)
Moon in AriesAries:
The feeling of uncertainty can make you solve problems faster then is natural. Do not rush as if there was a deadline. Try to slow down so that you can decide what you want to do and proceed at your own comfortable pace.
Calculate your personal birth Moon Phase & Moon Sign
Organs influenced by AriesAries Moon Sign:
Organs: Head, teeth, tongue, striated muscles, penis, gall bladder, arteries, blood.
These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Surgical operations:
Yes - Surgical operations are recommended during the Waning Moon.
However, avoid surgeries of organs under the influence of the Moon Sign.
Date 1920 Moon Phase
(Lunar Phase)
Moon Sign
Organs influenced by the Moon Sign
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